Company news

11 April 2012

The VEGA Company of the Company Group ALKOR BIO Took Part in the Science Conference Human Genome Meeting 2012














On the 11-14th  of March scientists of VEGA Company – Aleksandr Pavlov, the Chief of the Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, and Arseny Smirnov, the Chief of the Molecular-Genetic Diagnostics Group, - were participants of the 16th  conference HGM 2012 in Sidney (Australia). They made a report about the results of diagnostics test-systems in microchip format investigations for mucoviscidosis gene mutation determination.

Human Genome Meeting (http://www.hgm2012.org/) is the most important conference in the world dedicated to the human genome research. This time more than 800 representatives of the world science community took part in this event.

Within the scope of the conference the exhibition was led, where biotechnological companies of the Western Europe showed the newest genome analysis technologies and laboratory equipment.

Besides the participation in the conference HGM 2012, the VEGA representatives visited two large research centers in Melbourne: the Institute Baker IDI and the biggest state laboratory service in Australia – AGRF, which is specialized in molecular-genetic researches.



-  After this visit we generated a new project, very perspective to our mind, it concerns to neonatal gene-diagnostics, too. Besides, the visit to the conference HGM 2012 and research centers in Melbourne allowed us to look with another eye upon developments we led, to see them in proper perspective for the up-to-date diagnostic practice. Moreover, we changed our understanding of the VEGA Company prospects in the sphere of molecular-genetic diagnostics. It is connected with the fact, that we are deeply engaged in the current market demands, which are usually not on the front edge of the modern science. In perspective our task is not only to meet the current medical diagnostics market demands but also to look forward and offer the most modern highly effective solutions, which are more qualitative, less expensive and more accessible for patients, - concluded Aleksandr Pavlov.